The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines regarding the use of laptop carts in classrooms, ensuring flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness while maintaining robust support for faculty and student needs.
This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and students who utilize technology resources for classroom instruction across the college.
To enhance operational excellence in IT and meet evolving instructional needs, the college will transition away from traditional laptop carts for classroom instruction. Traditional laptop carts are not sustainable due to high maintenance costs and challenges in managing software updates. Instead, students will have access to standard classroom computers and loaner laptops which are available from the library. BYOD options.
Exceptions to this policy will be considered in situations where dedicated laptops are essential to meet specific instructional requirements that cannot be addressed using classroom computers or library loaner laptops. All exceptions must be approved by both the CIO and the VP/Chief Academic Officer of Academic Services.
Procedures (be specifics)
- Request Submission: Faculty must submit a detailed request to their Dean, outlining specific instructional needs and justifications for the exception.
- Departmental Review: The Dean will review the request to ensure it aligns with departmental goals and priorities.
- TLE Review: The Technology Learning Environment (TLE) team will assess the request for feasibility and alignment with institutional priorities.
- Final Approval: The TLE team will forward the request, along with recommendations, to the VP of Academic Services and CIO for final review and approval.
- Create a Service Request with those details and copy of the approval is attached to the Service Request.