Request Process
Utilizing Standard Templates in the Change Request Form
Campus Tech Responsibilities
- For requestors to indicate that their change is ‘Standard (Preauthorized)’ from within the Change Request Form, they must first submit a ‘Standard Change Template Request’. The template request requires Campus Tech employees to fill out all the details of their routine change as well as the proposed schedule for how often they will be performing this same change.
- The idea is that if the template request is approved by the supervisor and then by CAB, the change manager will paste all those standard change details into a “template” and will make it available as a selection within the Change Request Form. The technician can then select that template each time they need to perform this standard (preauthorized) change in the future. It is super convenient in that all their change details will auto-populate. All they need to do is adjust the start and end dates. Once submitted, approval is simply delegated to the supervisor as opposed to CAB.
A “Standard Change Template Request” should only be submitted if your change is low risk, relatively common, and has repeatable procedures for performing the change (and backing out if need be).
Standard change templates only need to be approved once by the CAB, but Campus Technologies will periodically review the appropriateness of the process defined within each approved template.
Every 'Standard Change Template Request' must include the following (please see 'help' text within the Change Request Form for more details):
- Requestor
- Department
- Title
- Description and Change Benefit must make sense to non-technical users
- Proposed Schedule includes how often it will be performed, day/s of the week, timing (during business hours/ after hours / weekends) etc.
- System Steward ensures the system functions as intended and meets the College’s needs
- Responsible for implementation and any adjustments (one main point person)
- Notification describes who should receive the IT Event notification email
- Communication Plan includes the target stakeholders who will be communicated with throughout the change process and the timing for delivering that information to them
- Testing Plan includes testing activities and the verification criteria
- Implementation Plan is an ordered list outlining the high-level steps needed to perform the change
- Backout Plan is ordered list outlining the steps needed to reverse the change
- Risk Analysis describes what could go wrong and how that could affect people/systems/data/processes. What are the risks for NOT performing or delaying the change?
- Impact is qualitative metric based on the 'Impact Description' below: Extensive/Widespread, Significant/Large, Moderate/Limited, or Minor/Localized
- Impact Description describes the scope of who or what this change will affect and how nd it must make sense to non-technical users
- Urgency is qualitative metric based on the importance of the change and how quickly it needs attention: Critical, High, Medium, or Low
- Priority is auto calculated based on your selections for 'Impact' and 'Urgency' and it denotes the relative importance of the change: P1-Critical, P2-High, P3-Medium, or P4-Low. Click on the image below to see the 'Priority Matrix' defined.

Request Process
Click on the image below to see the standard change template request workflow.

- Click the Standard Change Template Request button, complete the form, and select Submit. If your supervisor approves it, the Change Advisory Board (CAB) will review and approve or deny the standard change template request. If you are unsure of the CAB schedule or need to request an invite, please contact the CAB chair. The CAB meets every two weeks (Mondays), from 11:00 AM through 12:00 PM. Membership includes stakeholders from across the college who decide as a group to approve or deny template requests.
- You or your director should be prepared to talk about your request and answer any questions the committee has.
- Once approved by CAB, a task will get assigned to the CAB chair who will add your standard change as a selectable 'Template' within the Change Request Form. Once that has been completed, you will receive notification that your template request has been closed.
Utilizing Standard Templates in the Change Request Form
- Templates are only available for use in forms through TDNext, therefore Standard (Preauthorized) changes CANNOT be submitted through TDClient. You must submit via TDNext instead. Please navigate to IT Tickets>New>Change Request and select the CAB-approved template from that dropdown field at the top of the form. Once selected, the rest of the fields, including 'Event Type' will auto-populate.
- Do NOT edit the majority of the fields since those are details that were approved by the CAB. The following fields can be modified:
- Requestor
- Start/End Dates/Times
- Responsible
- Click Submit.
- Once approved by your supervisor, you will receive notification and may proceed with the change event on the scheduled date and time.
Campus Tech Responsibilities
- Campus Technologies will document standard change template requests within the ticketing system.
- Campus Technologies will review the appropriateness of the process defined within each approved template periodically.
- The CAB chair will ensure that CAB approved template requests are populated as templates within the Change Request Form and upon completion of that task, will close out the template request ticket.